The second day saw Baby Boy face changing a little more. Looking like daddy !! He looked exactly like me on DAY 1 and on Day 2 his features started getting more defined and he was growing to be every bit the charmer I knew he would be.Hello World
My most favourite shot of them all. I need to get a better low light camera because this shot was so characteristic of him after a good feed. Cleaned and sleeping with a smile on day 3.
4th Day: Too busy checking out early morning plus baby boy was in the nursery waiting to be discharged. Alot of settling down to do and I was just too pooped and exhausted to do anything. This life changing experience was catching up with me and I was just out of it totally.
Having spent much of the fifth day getting settled into a new environment, Baby Boy is finally looking all rested and happy. His hair is always standing like his dads and he never fails to melt my heart every time ( - Except when he’s cranky, hungry and poopy - )!! hahaha