"Desperate Housewives" is airing a big episode before taking a long holiday break. In "Down the Block There's a Riot", Paul's nefarious plan for Wisteria Lane is put into full effect, Juanita discovers Gaby's secret, Bree invites Keith to move in with her, and Tom is confronted about his past indiscretion with Renee.
The new episode, where there will be cars smashed and gun loaded, airs December 12 on ABC. The preview shows that Susan falls victim to the stampede and lies motionless on the street. But it is unlikely that Susan is 'gone' for Teri Hatcher previously debunked the story that she's quitting, saying "I'm joyful to be involved to this day and that's not going to change."
The show will return January 2 with "Assassins". After this episode, there will be a guest starring appearance of Golden Globe-winning actress Valerie Harper. She would be the sister of Lesley Ann Warren aka Susan's mother.
The new episode, where there will be cars smashed and gun loaded, airs December 12 on ABC. The preview shows that Susan falls victim to the stampede and lies motionless on the street. But it is unlikely that Susan is 'gone' for Teri Hatcher previously debunked the story that she's quitting, saying "I'm joyful to be involved to this day and that's not going to change."
The show will return January 2 with "Assassins". After this episode, there will be a guest starring appearance of Golden Globe-winning actress Valerie Harper. She would be the sister of Lesley Ann Warren aka Susan's mother.