Monday, November 22, 2010

Prom Makeup

My little sister is no longer little. She’s 16 and her prom night is tonight! I spent the entire afternoon doing her gyaru inspired makeup and now that I’ve had time to sort he pictures and reflect on the day, I’ve come to realize that she’s no longer the little sister who would follow me around everywhere…. … yes I do miss my younger sister being little but today is her day after mugging so hard for her o levels and I wish her all the best Smile


Prom makeup for young girls should be fun and full of energy. She has a light dusting of powder to keep oiliness at bay and bronzer to highlight her tanner complexion. Her eyebrows are untouched ( she never wants to trim it ) and her eyes are smoked to the max.


Sasa False eyelashes + Loreal Hip Duo platinum ( amazing color pigmentatioN!) + Physicians Formula Baked Sands for highlighting and brow bone area. MAC viva glam gaga for the lips.

Overall, I hope she enjoys her prom night and doesn’t time just fly by? She used to be my cute little sister. Now she’s all grown up ~~ sigh…Send a kiss

