Crossing the Blues

Monday, November 22, 2010

Kristen Stewart: I Hate Interview Process

Again, Kristen Stewart has spoken about how much she doesn't like press. The Bella Swan of "Twilight" saga personally believes that her job is only to act not to talk to the media, saying as quoted by Hollyscoop, "I hate the interview process."

"I do my work, same as you, why do I have to talk about it? I just want to be an actor. You think you're going to put sound bites in my mouth," Kristen went on. Though Kristen occasionally has an interview training session, it seemingly doesn't make the whole things easier for her. "I had an interview training session and was I was, 'F*** you. You think you're going to put soundbites in my mouth?' " so she said.

Kristen has been attached to a reputation for looking particularly uncomfortable in public. Back in May, the "On the Road" actress was even criticized for comparing the swarm of paparazzi around her to a rape. She, at that time, said, "It's so... The photos are so.. I feel like I'm looking at someone being raped. A lot of the time I can't handle it. It's f**ked. I never expected that this would be my life." Kristen, however, has since issued an apology.