Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Brown Eyed Boy




Time really flies doesn’t it. Just yesterday I was shivering my socks off on the operating table and now my baby boy is going to be 1 month old in 4 days time! Wow, someone should really write a super detailed book about surviving the first month of  caring for a newborn. Between the colic-jaundice, the prying eyes, the inexperience and the endless feeds, it can leave any mommy looking all tired and worn out.

A few items I’ve found to help immensely for a dummy novice mommy like me!!

Newborn Basics


1) Swaddleme

I hate cloth swaddles. I am so bad at swaddling a baby, it’s not even funny. Thankfully,  I bought one Swaddleme when I was preggie and it has proven to be a life saver for my hubby and me. No complicated folds or wrapping involved and my baby loves it because it’s such good quality material, keeps baby nice and warm and is long enough for baby to grow into and move his legs around a little. Also, if you have a little wiggler like me, this will keep his hands in and prevent him from scratching his gorgeous face! Buy a few and I promise you will be a Swaddleme convert :-)

* I’ve tried cheaper versions of this brand and none match up. The quality of the cloth or the velcro never seems to be as good as the original Swaddleme!


2) Mittens and socks

Bring your own to the hospital ( they provide really lousy ones that slip off baby all the time) and do stock up on these precious items as you will be using them on a daily basis and will need to change them when baby pukes on them, chews on them and during bath time.

3) Baby Oil + Nappy Rash Cream

Ok. Colic in babies is normal but as a normal functioning adult who has been used to sleeping 6-8 hours nightly, you will be rudely awaken by a wailing baby and you will be at such a crazy loss as to how to calm an upset baby.

Get a baby oil specially formulated to prevent and remove “wind” from baby stomach and spend extra time during diaper or bath time to massage his tummy. How do you tell if baby’s tummy is upset??

a) wails even after diaper change, a good recent feed or being swaddled

b) tummy feels hard and bloated

Learn a simple baby massage, it really does help soothe the little one :-)

Nappy rash cream is a life saver. Use this for his bottom area, after changing diapers. Keeps rashes at bay :-) I use drapolene

4) Thick warm towels

Babies are sensitive to cold and heat. Mine especially hates being bathe and will cry when he gets cold. The best way to keep baby from wailing the house down is to quickly wrap him in a warm thick ultra comfy towel after the bath.

5) Thick wet wipes and burping\dirty towels

In the early days of breastfeeding, you will make a mess. Use a towel to minimise the mess and stay clean. Also, as baby consumes more you will find yourself reaching for the burp cloth more to catch his puke. Wet wipes are so so so handy for wiping his bum, puke, dirty areas and basically cleaning up any mess. I love wet wipes. ( Crucial for OCD parents who like their babies fresh and clean)

** The list goes on for baby must have or important items. However, these are critical items which baby can’t do without.



1) Pain is the name of the game for the first few weeks after delivery. Whether you’ve gone through a natural or c-section, there will be discomfort in many areas in your body.

I thought my threshold of pain was high but little did I know how much pain I would be in. Spare yourself the pain of breast engorgement and get a Electronic Breast Pump! It is a life saver as you never know when your milk will come in and when it does you won’t have to suffer. The hospitals have it too but you will have to pay for it and who knows who has used it!

2) Get a binder.  Your tummy will look around 5-6 months preggie even after giving birth and you will feel spongy and loose.  It helps immensely esp for a C section as your wound area is still so sore. I used a binder and moved around a day after the op.

3) Post Natal Massage is a must. I cannot stress this enough. This will help release  the IV fluids or whatever water  that  has been trapped in your pregnant body.  My body was aching all over and I was so bloated and the post natal massage was the only thing that brought immense relief to my aching bones. The epidural really hurt my back and thankfully a lot of that pain was eased away with each massage session.

I used this lady if you are interested and are located in Singapore:

Also, if you can’t or don’t want to hire a massage lady, get your hubby to give you a back rub or foot massage. What relief it will bring.

4) Keep post natal blues at bay with vitamins, nutrients and a very good support system.

I had the blues for a few days and it’s not just about feeling depressed. It’s more like a mental breakdown from being overwhelmed mentally and physically. Thankfully my dad loaded me with Soya Milk ( DHA included ), Folic/Iron, Zinc and Magnesium and Fish Oils, which helped in my speedy recovery and zapping away the blues.  The pregnancy hormones are leaving your body and wrecking havoc on your internal balance, so take care of yourself first with proper foods and vitamins and minerals.

Have family or hired help take care of your baby, especially when you feel exhausted.

5) Breastfeeding is so beneficial but it is so difficult. No one tells you in detail about the engorgement, the pain, nipple bleeding, improper latching etc etc… Have women around who have breast fed and know how to help you along in the right direction. I’ve read on this topic and it did nothing to help me. Women with experience did.

6) Mommy’s health and mental wellbeing is so important. A healthy attitude towards baby and your body will help tremendously. Accept that your body will look and feel different for sometime but have confidence that you will bounce back with a beautiful baby and be more resilient overall!

So, on the beauty front, I have absolutely little time to spare for complicated makeup. I am sad about that but I’ve been relying heavily on eyeliners to do the trick. All I have on below is a creamy brown eyeliner slightly smudged on with my pinkie finger. Curled my lashes and applied mascara. It’s super easy and no effort at all.



Alternatively, I used an off white eyeshadow and a bronze shade on my lids for a simple wide eyed look. Everything is focused on being easy and quick!


Okie, I am no mommy expert but I hope my experience helps u new mommies out there!
