Sunday, August 1, 2010

KOJI Eyelash Curler Review


I was doing some shopping for a friend and I just had to get this cute Green Packaged KOJI No.70 Eyelash Curler too. Usually I never pay any attention to the eyelash curlers in SASA, due to a previous negative purchase experience  but if another beauty blogger is asking for a certain brand and we usually have similar taste in cosmetics, than I get pretty excited about it & ta da. Also, some of you have also recommended this curler!

Maybe I have some serious curler fetish going on as I’ve already bought 3 in the past month but seriously I was getting frustrated at the larger sized watsons curler which did not allow me to close my makeup pouch! lesson learned as I like compact makeup pouch and the KOJI eyelash curler smaller size allows me to keep my makeup case that way.


KOJI EYELASH CURLER NO.70(Regular, 33mm) 

*Cute Green Packaging


*Reliable Quality ( Made in Japan)

* Band Width 33mm ( fits my small eyes pretty nicely) – no biting of the skin at all

* Good grip and nice tension when curling



Size Comparison ( Watsons Lash Curler)


As I’ve found out there are other curlers in this series and they seem to differ in terms of band width and some are even foldable. Could not find the others though ( no 71, 72,100, Moni etc…) . All I’ve found were  No. 70 and 73 Koji curlers :(

Anyways,I do like my Koji No.70 :P   

** Naked Lashes after curling:



It’s so dangerous buying things for others, I just end up buying extras for myself!!  hehe


                                    Take Care & Have a great Monday :)
